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Lower Limb Vascular Disease

Vascular disease is described as the abnormal condition of the arteries. This vast network of blood vessels used to circulate blood through the body can become diseased.

Peripheral arteries carry blood to your tissues and other organs. Over time, these arteries can develop deposits of fat, cholesterol or plaque, narrowing or blocking blood flow. Eventually the artery will become so narrow that your tissues won’t get enough blood.

Depending on where this occurs you will have different symptoms. Blockages in the major vessels to your legs can lead to leg pain or cramps when you’re active but is relieved within a few minutes of rest, hence making walking any length difficult. This is known as claudication. When an artery is blocked or narrowed, blood supply to the muscle occurs and can cause muscle ache and pain. If the blood supply to a part is severely impaired, gangrene (death of tissues) can result. Dr Velu has been able to help thousands of patients improve their lower limb circulation over the years and improve activity and pain levels.