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Varicose Vein Surgery

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Veins carry blood from the feet ‘uphill’ against gravity back to the heart. Normal veins have one way valves that open and close in conjunction with the calf muscle movement which acts as a pump to push the blood back up hill.

Sometimes a weakness in the walls of the superficial veins in the legs occur causing them to enlarge. The valves within the vein then fail to close completely and allow blood to flow backwards - as a result there is a build up of pressure in the vein that causes bulging and twisting. This bulge or enlargement is known as a varicose vein. Varicose veins tend to run in families and are made worse by pregnancy and jobs that require lots of standing.

If you are in the North Queensland region including Townsville and Mackay enquire today about varicose vein treatment with us.


  • Admission to a day surgery unit
  • Usually done under a general anaesthetic
  • You will need to fast for 6 hour prior to the procedure
  • Your veins will be marked prior to the procedure using an ultrasound machine and surgical marker
  • The procedure may involve small incisions in your groin or the back of your knee to disconnect the superficial veins from the deep veins.
  • You may have multiple small cuts called avulsions along the length of the vein to be removed
  • The main varicose vein is often stripped out to below the knee using special instruments
  • The small cuts will be closed with sutures under the skin or with steri strips and covered with dressing
  • Your leg will have a tight bandage applied to reduce bruising, swelling and bleeding.

Post Procedure

  • You will be discharged home the same day
  • You will be required to keep the bandage on for the next 48 hours after which it can be removed but you must wear your compression stockings. If small cuts have been made in you groin you will be required to wear both your compression stocking and your thigh high white ted stocking together for 6 weeks.
  • Most people recover in 1-2 weeks gradually returning to normal activities
  • You will have no stitches to be removed, the dressing can be removed after 3-4 days
  • When resting at home keep the leg elevated on a stool to reduce swelling
  • You may need some pain relief medication for the first few days
  • You will have a post op appointment in 4-6 weeks
  • Monitor the incision site for separation, redness and discharge 

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